Drive visitors to your brand

event professionals visit every month
Advertising Rotation
Become one of 4 sponsors and your brand will have a 25% share of advertising placements.
Press Releases & Articles
Sponsors can submit 12 article per year for review and publication to the website and email markeitng channel. Popular article types include press releases and informational product or service articles. If requested we can supply the content so you can focus on your brand while we focus on the SEO and media coverage. $600 value.
Google Connected Events Calendar
Placement in the events calendar for up to 52 events per year is included for Sponsors. Our calendar is connected to the Google Events feed for automatic publication on their platforms. Upcoming events are shown in the monthly email newsletter. A $2600 value.
Only 4 Sponsorships Available
Only four brands get to take advantage of sponsorship on BalloonHQ. This preserves the value of the sponsorship while ensuring growing share of visibility to the industry as BalloonHQ grows.
Your brand focuses on professional events and BalloonHQ reaches professionals in the industry.

Advertising Placement
With just 4 sponsorships available for BalloonHQ 25% of all placements on the website are yours. Placements are updated with AI for peak performance.

Press Release Publication
Press Releases inform the industry and media about changes to your business and events. They are a great way to reach an expanded audience beyond your typical customer base.
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Product and Service Article Publication
Article publication to the website and email newseltter builds the authority of your business and helps potential customers learn when your offer is the answer to their needs.
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Email Newsletter Distribution
Articles and events are published in to the BalloonHQ email newsletter audience covering hundreds of professionals and growing weekly.

Event Calendar Placements
Place your events on our Google Events connected calendar to gain additional exposure and promote registrations. Events are included in the monthly email newsletter.
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SEO Growth
BalloonHQ is the highest ranking informational website in several industry categories. Listing events and posting articles here grows your website SEO strength.
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Sponsorship: $250/month
Sponsorship elevates your business in the professional events industry. There are just 4 sponsorships available.