From: [email protected]
Date: Tue,  4 Jun 96 05:33:00 UTC 0000
To: [email protected]
Subject: GEO uses

    I don't know if this has been mentioned in the Guide but I have
a hard time doing a search since I'm using a Commodore computer (an
8-bit, 2 Mhz system).

     Some time back someone asked what other people were doing with
GEOs besides making flowers.  What about using them to make a bugle,
a saxaphone, or a barbell with weights?  I am including the
instructions for each as I do them.

     BUGLE -- Inflate a 260 leaving a two inch tail.  Inflate a 6 inch
GEO.  Do a tulip/apple twist (about 1.5 inch) for a mouthpeice.  Push
the tail through the GEO center and squeeze a bubble to the other side
so that the GEO stays on the 260.  Loop the 260 around and tie in place
with broken bits of balloons.

       _                          (   )
      ( )-------------------------(   )
      (_)---/-/----------\-\------(   )
           / /            \ \     (___)
           \ \____________/ /

     SAXAPHONE -- Inflate a 260 leaving a 3-inch tail.  Make the same
mouthpiece as in the BUGLE.  Now twist a six-inch bubble followed by
two one-inch ear/bean twists.  Twist a two-inch bubble followed by
another two one-inch eear twists.  Twist a three or four inch bubble.
Follow that with another two one-inch ear twists, a two-inch bubble,
and another two one-inch ear twists.  Inflate a GEO and put on the end
of the 260 just like in the BUGLE.  Form the end of the 260 like a "J"
and tie the knot of the GEO to the last pair of ear twists.  Mold the
first bubble (after the mouthpiece) to look like the bend in the neck
of the Sax.

           (  )
              \ \
               \ \
                   \ \
                    \ \
                     \ \
                      _\_\_  _________
                         \ \   \_  \
                          \ \   / /
                           \ \_/ /

     After making either one of these, you can tell the reciever of
the balloon to "blow."  Or if two people got one of each maybe they
could "make beautiful music together."

     Barbell with weights - Inflate a 260 most of the way.  Try to
leave about one inch of uninflated balloon at each end.  Inflate four
GEOs (and tie).  Now push two GEOs onto each end of the 260.  Now you
have the weights and if you bend or curve the 260 a little it will
look like the weights are pulling down on the "bar."

      __  __                              __  __
     (  )(  )                            (  )(  )
     (  )(  )----------------------------(  )(  )
     (  )(  )----------------------------(  )(  )
     (__)(__)                            (__)(__)

     Well, give these GEO uses a try but don't weight too long or you
won't be able to even blow your own horn. 

                                  I must be off!
                                     Buff Phoon the Clown
                                     [email protected]