My Other Car is a Honda

My Other Car is a Honda   Race Order Entry # Driver Name Car Name Mass (grams) Length (inches) Width (inches) Height (inches) Distance Traveled (feet) Running Time (seconds) 2 17 Michael Shibata My Other Car is a Honda 32 11 10 4 6.67 8.91   Balloon car...

The beginings of

The beginings of BalloonHQ has existed for 20 years. This is how it began. The following messages were posted to various places by Larry Moss, founder of BalloonHQ. The following note was posted to the Usenet group alt.magic on Jan 7, 1992 Here’s a...

Building Your Balloon Show

Building Your Balloon Show The Power of Effective Pricing by Smarty Pants Yesterday I had lunch with King Marvin. There are more magicians per capita in Chicago than anywhere else on the planet, but no one else is quite like King Marvin. He dresses in a magnificently...