Heart Dove

Heart Dove By Ralph Dewey Here is a simple dove made from three 6″ white heart balloons and one white #321 bee body balloon. Unfortunately the white Qualatex #321 balloons have been discontinued. You can still make the dove, but it will have to be in red,...

Balloon Tidbits

Balloon Tidbits by Ralph Dewey In this month’s column I’m going to ramble a bit. I’ll share some ideas, human interest news, and tips. One interesting bit of news was a story about a balloon twister who made animals with his feet. I didn�t get a...

Embedding BHQ portfolios in other sites

Embedding BHQ portfolios in other sites Why embed a portfolio? What’s this about? Requirements Files needed within your web site Files called from BalloonHQ.com (setting and calling procedure, with options) Style sheets for greater control Examples Why embed a...