
Wearables by Hans Siemons Marke Verge introduced me to the fact that you there is more then just the ladybug around the arm! He put bugs on shoes, shoulders etc. This funny little sculpture is loved by kids because it moves when they move!Aside: I’ll be at the...

Instructions for Multicolored Parrot

  Multicolored Parrot By Hans Siemons This parrot is a good example of what color can do to a standard sculpture. It’s just your basic parrot, but by using different colors for different sections of the figure and adding a few simple enhancements it is not...

Monkey in the Palmtree

Monkey in the palmtree By Hans Siemons This monkey in a palmtree from one balloon won 2nd prize at the millennium jam 2001 in the small (one balloon) sculpture category! And I thought I would share it here with you. More pictures from the millennium jam 2001 can be...

Instructions for Dog face

Dog face By Hans Siemons I am running out of ideas on alternative peaces of latex to twist with. I tried twisting latex hot water bags but that was not the best idea of the year 😉 Condoms you can use as extra wide 350’s and stuff mini sculptures inside them.So...

Ideas with latex gloves

Ideas with latex gloves by Hans Siemons This monthy column are extracts of my upcoming instructional CD. While the focus on the CD is on more normal figures using “balloons from the bag” the ideas presented here are build with latex gloves. You can use the...