Adventure in Fun

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Adventure in Fun

Your Event, Our Adventure: Unforgettable Entertainment by Adventure In Fun!

Adventure In Fun is a family run business that has over 30 years of experience in the entertainment industry. We have been entertaining at all types of events including Anniversary Celebrations, Baby Showers, Birthdays, Bridal Showers, Church Functions, Company Picnics, Corporate Events, Day Cares, Engagement Parties, Grand Openings, Graduations, Kid's Parties, Library Shows, Private Parties, Promotional Events, Proms, Restaurant Family Nights, School Shows, Scouts and Weddings.  We are dedicated to providing family entertainment that is unique, high energy and high quality.

Adventure In Fun artists Dustin Queary, Simply Shonna Flanigan, Alayna Nicole, Vicki Younger, Yu Li and other team members provide amazing services such as Balloon Decorations, Balloon Sculpting, Balloon Twisting, Balloon Workshops, Balloon Decor, Exotic Animal Shows, Reptile Shows, Bird Shows, Costume Characters, Face Painting, Caricatures, Airbrush Tattoos, Stilt Walking, Princess Parties, Pirate Parties, Glitter Tattoos, Henna Tattoos, Miniature Horses & Unicorns, Jugglers, Clowns, Living Statues, Mascot Characters, Stilt Walkers, Arts & Crafts and more.


Contact Information

Gettysburg, Adams County, Pennsylvania, 17325, United States
Zip/Post Code

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