Directory of Balloon Artists

Search for a balloon entertainer or decorator by personal name, business
name, or location. Search results will display listings by artist,
company, and geographic location, and provide a link to additional
information. Each artist listing will accompanied by a sub-set of icons
to aid you in your search (complete set of icons shown at right). Most
‘BHQ Members’ also have sample photographs available in their Artist Portfolio.

Quick Search

Enter the full or partial name of a person or balloon business, or a BHQ Member username.

Enter a US zip code to locate a balloon artist near you. If you
only have a city name, we can help you find a zip

Advanced Search

The Advanced Search page allows you to search
for balloon artists in other countries, by city or state,
for professionals vs. hobbyists, by e-mail address, or
by category.

Get Listed in the BHQ Artist Directory

Being listed in the directory is entirely voluntary; an artist is not automatically added by subscribing to other Balloon HQ services. Each balloon artist is prompted to update their information every 6 months. This directory is independent of all other listings of balloon professionals.

Balloon artists may add a personal listing to this directory or modify a listing.