Balloon HQ Featured Photographs:
Happy New Year, 2001!

Access Photo Features from Year 2001, Year 2000, or Year 1999
Want to get your photo on the front page of Balloon HQ? Be sure to submit your work to [email protected] Selected images are generally of interesting and topical balloon art, which are also well-lit and centered.

Photograph supplied by Sean O’Kelly
More Fun in 2001! This image, shows a festive New Year’s centerpiece by the folks at Balloon Decor in Victoria, Austria. Round balloons are used to create the ‘bubbly’, while foil balloons display the celebration year.
Happy New Year, 2001!


Photograph supplied by Patrick Brown
More festive and timely balloon art from Patrick Brown. The numbers, hat and figure in this image are all created from 260 balloons. Heck, I’ll bet even the smoke is pure latex.
Happy New Year, 2001!