Press Releases for March 2012

Balloon Images: Magazine Cover Contest

Imagine seeing your work on the cover of “Balloon Images” magazine. It could become a reality if you enter the 2012 cover contest!

The deadline for photo submissions is July 2, 2012. The winning photo will be featured on the cover of the Oct/Nov/Dec 2012 issue and will be seen by balloon professionals all over the world.

Only pieces that follow the California Balloon Law and are made with Qualatex balloons will be considered. Entries from individuals and groups will be accepted, and you can submit as many photos as you want!

E-mail your high-resolution (300 dpi) digital photos to [email protected]
Send hard copies (sized to 8″ x 10″) and CDs with hi-res images to:
Pioneer Balloon Company
ATTN: Balloon Images magazine
5000 E. 29th Street North
Wichita, KS 67220-2111 USA


Jan/Feb/Mar 2012 “Balloon Images” Magazine

The latest issue of “Balloon Images” is here! This super-sized issue is packed full of great information, including a Trade Secrets article on Valentine window displays and a colorful Design Inspiration article featuring new spring products. Learn how the technology trend of QR (Quick-Response) codes can benefit your business, and get a refresher on rhythm and space with the latest Back to the Basics article. This issue also showcases the talented Russian decorating duo, Dmitriy Tishenko, CBA and Andrey Osokin.

As always, you’ll find a full spread of the latest products from Qualatex, along with plenty of profitable ideas for how to use them in the “Balloons to Go” section. See if you qualify for a FREE subscription to “Balloon Images” at, where you can also check out Back Issues of the magazine for useful information and plenty of design inspiration.


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Four world class artists released new DVDs at Twist & Shout 2012. Now they are available to the world! You won’t want to miss these “must have” DVDs!

Alberto Falcone, CBA has 3 new DVDs with more to come.To celebrate his 10th anniversary as a balloon instructor, he has decided to bring together the different techniques he has taught around the world and make a series of educational DVDs. Continental Sales is the exclusive US distributor of this amazing educational resource! His first 3 include: 3, 2, 1, …Go, Bubbles Chain, and Amazing Stuff.

Colin Myles, CBA has 3 new DVDs. Colin has impressed stackers as well as twisters with his innovative designs for many years and has won too many awards to mention. You can now take home some of his best work on these 3 DVDs: Weaving, Little Things and Weddings.

Buster Balloon has 4 new DVDs. Buster’s reputation is too big to even begin to list so we won’t even try….It has been years since Buster released any new DVDs. And now he has released 4, yes FOUR – 2 DVD collections – The Untitled Buster Balloon Collection includes: Big & Bad, Oddities, Frightening, & Adorable.

Nifty Balloons has 2 new DVDs. David and Shana Brenion have burst on to the world stage in the last few years with their innovative designs and techniques. Even old timers are impressed with their designs. Their newests DVDs are: Masks, and More Rounds & Hearts

New DVD Releases