This On Line Publication Contains No Paid Advertising.
In this issue:-
Business Has Changed! (Can you weather the
New Products, Upcoming Seminars, Trade Trivia.
* Bombshell Announcement From Rocky Toomey –
Exclusive Interview

* Letters To The Editor?
* PRO TIP #12 – Common Sense?
Ship’s Anchor Balloon Sculpture

G’Day from Down Under!
Thank you all for allowing me the month off. It has given me a chance to
recharge the batteries and return to the keyboard with a new enthusiasm.
And whilst I was taking time off, the terrible events of Sept. 11th
occurred. A profound event in the history of the world has
occurred. How many small business people in our industry have looked
seriously into how it could affect their future sales? If you thought the
events of Sept. 11th won’t have any effect on your balloon sales, you
need to think again!

Firstly – lets look at world trade? Latex (the raw material) is
imported from African and South American countries to the US manufacturing
plants. Then, the finished decorator balloons are exported all over the
world by sea and air. Helium? The large majority of the balloon
industry’s helium is also exported from the USA. With so much of our
industry dependent on the USA as the source of product, we should expect
extended shipping time as customs security (both import and export) is
stepped up at every checkpoint. We (in Australia) are already
experiencing delays as a result. In simple terms, that means wholesalers
will need to order earlier. With goods in transit longer, cash flow and
extending credit will become a major concern to this sector.

Next – the hospitality industry? When people stop travelling for
both business and pleasure, the hotels are 2nd in line to suffer after the
airlines. Add to those two the travel agents, the tour operators, the gift
shops, and so on. All are your customers! The bottom line is that most
successful balloon decorating companies around the world have relied
heavily on business generated from the hospitality industry. Corporate
conferences, product launches, promotional decor that was funded from big
business’ marketing budgets. Don’t we also rely heavily on the
balloon sales generated by major sporting events? Well ….. how many of
those sporting events and tours are now being postponed for a future

Trade Education & Balloon Conventions? Everyone knows that
there are many high profile balloon instructor / lecturers now deriving
income from travelling the world and teaching. Some will see their income
diminish in this area in the immediate future. Why? Because conventions
and seminars are financed by sponsors. Sponsors need bums on seats at
conventions in order to warrant their investment. If balloonies are
reluctant to travel to get trade education, registrations will fall and
sponsors will back away till they see signs of improvement.
A slowing in skill training and marketing advice is definitely NOT what
the balloon industry needs right now. Quite the contrary!

My Evaluation? Well, after reading this far, there will be many
industry leaders wishing to tar me in feathers for talking down the
industry. (and rightly so) Most readers know that I pride myself on being
an optimist in business and that certainly hasn’t changed. Starting
this editorial with so much negative comment was necessary in this case,
simply because of the seriousness of the situation today. The balloon
industry, as we’ve known it, will never be the same!

But those with determination and clear business thinking, can (and will)
maintain their status quo. Possibly even grow their business. But for the
next 2 years at least …… the pendulum in the balloons marketplace is
going to decidedly swing. The swing will be away from commercial
customers and their events …. to community based and domestic business.
There will still be commercial business out there. But I’m simply
warning that, as a percentage of your turnover, commercial sales will
drop. Those who can turn their business focus to reflect that swing will
weather the storm. Those who fight on and do not blend a new client mix,
new merchandising, new advertising methods for new consumer spending
patterns ….. those who ignore the new millennium lifestyle – might

A wise mentor of mine once taught me that a good manager recognises
a potential problem before it occurs. A great manager
simultaneously recommends solutions to the problem.

So:- Possible Solutions? Regarding the delays in sourcing product
…. watch your inventory closer than ever before. Contact your suppliers
every 2 weeks to confirm stock levels and availability. If you are a
supplier to the trade …. take the necessary steps to ensure continued
cash flow. The alternative is to arrange an overdraft and that will cost
you money, forcing your prices up, causing an inflationary domino

It will be a long, long time before our hotels are again booked out with
large corporate functions, business seminars and conventions. They’ll
still have functions. But , smaller scale “localised” functions
and seminars, rather than having delegates attending from interstate and
Some opportunities? Hotel managers will be doing it tough! Contra deals
might be more attractive to them. The same goes for advertising and travel
agencies plus, businesses that rely on tourism.

Trade education? As much as I’d like to see IBAC, ASR, the Birmingham
and Chicago National Party Shows announce record attendance ….. the
reality is that it’s unlikely to happen. Maybe a wise move for the
producers of IBAC and the ASR would be to alternate their shows till
things improve on the international scene.? (IBAC one year, ASR the next?)
At the end of the day, sponsors will have the final say in this
arena. Opportunity:- might see some growth in new QBN Chapters and
membership growth in existing trade associations. Subscriptions to trade
mags and sales in training videos are likely to increase.

Summary:- It’s not the end of the balloon decorating business.
Far from it!
It’s merely recognising that a world wide change in lifestyle has
been forced upon us. Those changes will have a direct effect on the size
of your balloon orders in the foreseeable future.
The 90s were the years when business focus went global. Now – business
focus is once again more localised. People have been forced to think more
about their core values such as family, community, religion,
charity, democracy and freedom. Those values will be reflected in their
spending patterns.

As managers of a local service industry (balloons), we’d be wise to
swing with the pendulum and merchandise the things that are now more
important to customer’s (old) values. Birthdays, anniversaries,
christenings, bar mitzvahs, 4th July, Australia Day or Bastille Day,
Thanksgiving and Christmas. Fill the local bars with shamrocks on St
Patrick’s Day and remind him how important Valentines Day is to
her. In short:- DOMESTIC demand for balloon deliveries and
family or community gatherings will surge at the expense of commercial
jobs like mass releases. During times of war weddings increase, as does
the sales volume of candy. People gather their loved ones around them and
stay at home where they feel safe and secure. There’s your target!

Expect to work harder and work smarter to maintain the same level of
turnover. (ie; write more invoices for the same end result) Don Dixon CBA

When next you are frustrated with staff or customers not
exercising what you believe to be “common sense”.… save
yourself an ulcer or stress attack. Remember this:- “The only
thing common about common sense, is that it’s not so common.”

New Qualatex® Balloons & Bouquets
Ease Stress & Bring in Big Profits for Valentine’s Day.
The Qualatex Valentine’s Collection 2002 makes it easier than ever
for balloon retailers to win customers’ hearts and their business!
Featuring fresh, new balloon designs in the hottest colors and themes, the
collection also adds four new Qualatex Valentine?s Bouquet Cards to the
already-popular bouquet program that includes 12 cards and the Flip-Top
Bouquet Menu.

“Valentine’s Day is one of the biggest days for bouquet
said Kathy Williams, Pioneer® Balloon Company. “Our Bouquet Cards
help retailers make more money with less hassle, and the Flip-Top Bouquet
Menu makes it quick and easy for customers to choose their favorite

All 16 of the Valentine’s Bouquets featured on the cards are available
individually packaged for easy ordering and displaying. And,

it’s super simple to sell the bouquets directly from the
Bouquet Cards. According to Balloon-A-Gram in Topeka, KS, “We used
the Bouquet Card program last year; so many customers chose their bouquets
from the Bouquet Cards, that we sold out of every design we offered. And,
because the bouquet
ingredients are pre-packaged, it’s so easy to just pull the balloons
out, inflate, and go!?

These trendy, new Microfoil® balloon designs are featured in the new
Valentine’s Bouquets:
* 18” & 36” “Valentine’s Hearts &
* 18” “WOW! Daisies”
* 18” “Luv Bug”
* 18” “Pink On Pink

* 18” “I Love You Heart Spin”

Coordinating latex balloons and glassware, as well as Qualatex MasterBow?
Ribbon designs are also available. Retailers can use these
products to “up-size” and customize the Valentine’s
Bouquets and make even more money.

All 16 Bouquet Cards and the new balloon designs are featured in the
Qualatex® Valentine’s Collection 2002 catalog. To receive a FREE
catalog, call Pioneer® Balloon Company at 1-800-356-0901 or
316-685-2266, or contact Business of Balloons in Sydney on

Pioneer Balloon Company is the manufacturer of Qualatex brand latex and
Microfoil balloons, the most recognized brand of balloons in the world.
Retailers can visit Pioneer Balloon Company online at and
We have received a number of phone calls and
private e-mails concerning the status of our convention and trade show and
we felt it necessary to let you know – The All Star Revue is going full
speed ahead November 8-11, 2001. The airports are open for business,
bridges and highways are clear, the host hotel is as beautiful as ever and
everyone is ready to bring you a great show.

We are firmly committed to bringing everyone the best faculty and vendors,
meals and special events possible.

If you have any questions or concerns at all, please do not hesitate to
call us at 888-833-STAR, 201-441-4224 or click on our web site at for complete show information. Thank you and hope to
see you there.
Your Show Producers…
Andrea and Mark Zettler
Dyane and Jimmy Hedrick
During the ASR …… 11 Nov. 2001 at Headquarters Plaza Hotel,
Morristown, NJ, USA
QBN Meet & Greet Breakfast. All QBN members welcome.
BASA-NSW announce their annual Christmas party is to be
held at the fabulous Novotel Hotel – Homebush Bay on November 13th. (in
the heart of the Sydney Olympics site) The venue couldn’t be better!
The food and planned entertainment … likewise. The hotel have even
offered super low accommodation packages for those who want to party all
night, then stay on to tour this sporting venue masterpiece in planning
and construction. Interstate visitors have already begun to book. Just $80
per head for members and non members are welcome at $90 per head. More
details and bookings phone Liza on (02) 94523900

Thanks for the encouragement Don!
I took your class at IBAC in Las Vegas and am thrilled that you agree with
me!! I enjoyed your class on business and am trying to incorporate your
info as much as possible. I just became a CBA at Ballooniversity (took
the test alone with Dave Metsker as the tester) and need all the
encouragement I can get.
Thanks again, and also thanks for your support of our country!
Tami Zeip,CBA – Party Connection
Memphis,TN – USA

Editor’s Note: Nice to see mention of Dave Metsker. Dave is one of
true “givers” to the balloon industry. And … a gentleman as
I thoroughly enjoyed your “Voluntary Work” editorial and am
writing to ask if you would consider allowing our QBN chapter to re-print
it for our newsletter?
Johnna Perry
KC/Midwest Balloon Professionals QBN Chapter
Newsletter/Website Editor
Editor’s Reply: Go for it Johanna!
Reprinted from the BHQ Decolist ….
Dick and Rosemarie …. check out Don Dixon’s article on Balloon HQ site
this month regarding a HUGE delivery they did of 260Q’s for a football
game …. is this a great new trend??? Article included some very
specific information about how they prepared, which would no doubt be
helpful. I’m sure they would answer any specific questions you had if you
e-mail them privately.

Don – your articles are terrific! THANK YOU for “volunteering”
your time to prepare these thought provoking and informative articles.
Your efforts are appreciated … even if you don’t hear that from the rest
of us enough!! I have learned so much from you! Thanks again.
Marcy Kozar – Splendid Celebrations
Potomac, MD – USA
Dear Don,
Thank you for all your hard work and information. You always have good
suggestions and show a true passion for this business.
Judy Volkman, CBA – Not Just Balloons Atlanta, GA – USA

I just got around to reading the Sept. issue. How dare you think about
not writing an Oct. issue. Shame on you. (Just kidding) I do love getting
your newsletter, but I’m always in awe that you take so much time to share
industry news, and tips with us, for no fee at all. You have so much
wisdom in your writings, and I thank God for having had the opportunity to
get to know you through the balloon industry. Even though we haven’t met
in person, I feel like you’re one of my balloon buddies. Enjoy doing
what you need to do in October, and I will be awaiting the Nov. issue.
Sue Grzybowski – Ahhhh Balloons and Bows
Scottsdale Az,, USA
Editor’s Reply: Gosh! I’ve gone all weak at the knees and have a
lump in my throat. Thank you for the compliment. That’s all it takes
to keep me at the keyboard.

Dear Don,
I am just writing to say my thanks to you for the time and effort that you
put into the magazine. I, for one, did realise that it was a voluntary
and non profit article that you wrote and am very grateful for it. Did
you want people to help with submissions? I would be interested in doing
a small article from the point of view of a new balloon artist but had not
thought to ask before. Just let me know and I would be happy to help in
any way possible.
Debbie Enchanted Moments
Darwin – Australia
Editor’s Reply: I’m sure the readers all over the world would
love to read about your new balloon business success, Debbie. You write it
…… I’ll publish it.

If this is any consolation to your recent computer woes, I must tell you
that the current (Sept.) issue of B@W features a Very Clear Photo of you.
Having met you several time, I knew what you look like, but my staff could
never get a clear picture from the previous issues. It was always very
foggy. Now, they know
who I am referring to when I speak of you.
Northbrook, Illinois USA
Editor’s Note: I’ve never been very photogenic. Here’s
another. This mug shot I used for my current election campaign. I
wonder if it will cost me a lot of votes? That’s life!
Dear Don,
Thank you for the Sept. “Balloons@Work” email newsletter. Your
section on volunteering was extremely interesting. I find it difficult to
understand why, when we receive this great, informative and extremely
topical newsletter free of charge and obligation, anyone would even
contemplate forwarding a complaint because you need to take a break for
some well earned recharging and therefore won’t be sending out a
newsletter for a short while. Creative juices just won’t flow when we are
so fatigued that we go onto automatic pilot. Have just had 4 essential
weeks away myself which I trust have recharged my batteries sufficiently
to get through the next 6 months, historically our busiest time of the
Jan Buchter – Party Partners

Geelong – Australia
The client’s brief was for a nautical theme. Within the
hotel ballroom there would be a full size dinghy, fishing poles, fish
bowls as centrepieces, fishing net, life buoys ect. Ten tables of ten for
a sit down business lunch. A gold medal Olympic yaughtsman was to be the
guest speaker at a major city hotel addressing the Lord Mayor, press, and
many of the city’s high profile business people.

This “Ship’s Anchor” was created on 6mm (1/4”
) aluminium rod with clusters of four in under inflated Qualatex 5”
gold. Gold was chosen as the location for this sculpture was to be in a
glass mirrored, marble and polished brass lobby area. The floor in the
lobby was black marble. Being adjacent to the official registration
table, all guests would need to stop by the anchor, check in and pass by
the 8 ft tall balloon sculpture that was captured in mirrors on both sides
of the lobby. To introduce a point of difference and individual
creativity, rather than create rope in spiral garland, black 260Qs were
used to make chain links. The French balloon artist is Jean-Marie Pace.

Eballoons, the on line world wide balloon delivery network, has
just updated their web site with a new look and range of balloon delivery
choices. take a look and check out membership details at;

Rocky Toomey and I were recently in discussions on a
possible business venture. During that conversation he informed me that he
was selling his business. I was gob smacked! This was BIG NEWS! So, he
agreed to give “Balloons@Work” the
“scoop”. Rocky started his business in 1980 in Hawaii
with an investment of $1000. He has endured all the hardships of being
in a small business and has been successful at making it a profitable
enterprise. After 21 years running “Ballooney Tunes” he has
decided to take on a new adventure. Here is our conversation.

B@W: This is quite a shock to me and (I’m sure) the rest of the
international balloon industry. What made you choose Balloons@Work as the
exclusive communication channel for your announcement?

Rocky: Well you have been a good friend for a long time and a good
supporter of the balloon industry. Plus when I return down under for a
walk-about I might need a good guide.

B@W: What exactly have you sold? eg; walk-in walk-out decorating
service including vehicles and equipment? Your complete database / client
list? Ongoing training? Just the name?
Rocky: I have sold the entire business here in Hawaii.
Ballooney Tunes consists of a retail store, balloon deliveries and
decorating. The company was the first in the islands and has remained the
best, the largest and continues to grow.

B@W: The obvious question …… What made you decide to sell?
Were you approached? Or did you send out a message seeking expressions of
Rocky: What made me want to sell my business? Well, I have
been thinking in this direction for a number of years and for a variety of
reasons. I believe I could be a good example of the saying,
“Consistent hard work pays off!” For 21 years I have made the
personal efforts that it takes to be build a business. Introducing new
ideas, servicing customers, the industry and fortunately I have been
successful. I wouldn’t have given up the experience for anything but
now its time for this planned change and move forward. To go after the
things I’ve missed being dedicated to the success of my business
leads me to a life now with a special companion and partner, my family,
new business endeavors and more time to invest in them all.

I was not approached to sell, quite the opposite! I asked my employee,
Mitch Maxwell, who has been with me for over 6 years if he was interested
in buying the company. We talked it over and came to a mutual agreement.
Mitch has been with the company for a long time and he is one of the best
decorators I know.

B@W: Will Mitch be able to carry on okay with you gone?
Rocky: I have no doubts about that.
Mitch is smart businessman and knows how to run every aspect of it. He
will build a team just like I did and I wish him well at it.

B@W: Do the terms of the sale include a “transition”
or “hand over” period?
Rocky: We have already gone through the transition period. By
the end of October I will be on my way!

B@W: Your employees? Are they staying on with the new

Rocky: Oh yea, the only one that is leaving is me.

B@W: Will you continue as a producer of IBAC along with Marie
Mandoli and Jay Erlandson?

Rocky: Of course! I am not getting out of the business! In fact
this will give me more time – being in New England.

B@W: Will IBAC 2002 be your last?
Rocky: No way!

B@W: You said you are heading off to pursue another
“adventure”. You are much too young to retire and I know you
studied photography a few years ago in New York. Are you likely to head
down that path either on the Islands or back on the mainland?
Rocky: Ha! Photography! That goes back a long way! No, like
I said, I am not getting out of the business. The lady in my life, Terry
DelMonaco, has an 18-year-old company in Providence, Rhode Island called
“Future Affairs Productions”. I will be leading the company, as
it’s new president. Increasing it’s sales and design productions
as we forge into the 21st century. Future Affairs Productions has produced
and decorated for many leading events in both the corporate, political and
entertainment markets. To it’s credit has also produced some of the
balloon industries larger special events over the years. F.A. Productions
is a special event decorating and production company, which provides a
variety of services for the events industry one of course, which is
balloon décor. F.A. Productions has over 18,000 square foot
warehouse so it is a much larger company then what I am leaving with a lot
differences that I look forward too. It’s going to be a challenge
that I am eager to undertake.

B@W: What’s the difference between Future Affairs
Productions and Ballooney Tunes?
Rocky: Well like I said, it’s a Special Events Decorating
& Production company. F.A. Productions provides every aspect a client
may want; it provides design & logistics, contracting the venue,
entertainment, caterers, lights, sound & a/v companies and provides a
vast inventory of decorations: theme props, fabric, backdrops, meeting
stages, custom set design, special effects, balloon decor and more. F.A.
Productions does not have a retail store or a balloon delivery business
like I had with Ballooney Tunes. It has entirely different market
strategies and that is where the excitement is for me. To understand the
differences and see what we do, visit our website at

B@W: You are an ICON to the International balloon community. I’d
dare say that there is not a single balloon business owner out there who
does not owe part of their success to the skills, knowledge and teachings
of Rocky Toomey. How does that make you feel?
Rocky: Damn, I don’t know that I want to be responsible
for all that! I have to say that I have gotten even more out of the
industry. I have to contribute a lot of my success to all the people
I’ve gotten to know and all the industry events that I have attended
over the past 21 years. Success is built with knowledge, and by working
with the best through out the years has expanded my education and
continually exercised improved ideas with new ideas. I can’t express
how valuable it is to get out there and learn, work and attend events with
your peers. When I started in this business in 1980 there were very few
places to go for any kind of information about our industry. I had to go
out and seek it and actually come up with a few on my own. Those quests
lead me in a lot of directions and opened up a lot of wonderful
opportunities. A classic example would be my meeting some balloon people
at an event in Edmonton Canada many years ago, that friendship fostered
the idea of IBAC, and the rest is history.

B@W: I know, like many others, about your interest in national
politics. Looking back at the last 20 years of balloon industry
“politics”, do you have any advice for my readers in that
Rocky: Wow! That’s a hot one! I’d say to keep an
open mind and don’t burn any bridges. Support those who support you
and be neutral to those who don’t. There are a lot of companies in
our industry that dedicate many resources to educate us in our expertise
and in return they hope their investment will pay off in loyalty from
their customers.

B@W: Looking back now?? ……. can I ask for short answers when
I mention the following:- The most memorable large sculpture design of
which you are most proud?
Well the World Record Balloon Mural would have to up there at the top
but one of my fondest was the huge Scarlet Macaw we built in San Francisco
in 1989. That was my greatest challenge.

* The balloon technique contribution you made, of which you are most

Rocky: I can’t say that I invented it, but I know I was doing
it before anyone else I know of. That would be the exploding balloon. I
started experimenting with that at my very beginnings and I continue to
perfect it.

The balloon technique/ product or device that you believe
revolutionized the decorating business?
Rocky: Well for me it was what we called the “Canadian
Twist” Some of us can remember the only way balloons were put on a
line was by using paper clips. In 1983 I attended a convention and a
teacher, I can’t even recall who she was, she hasn’t been in the
business for years, but she showed us the technique of tying two balloons
together, then wrapping two others together to make four then directly
wrapping them on the line to create an arch. I remember our jaws
dropping to the floor! Why didn’t we think of that!

One or two sentences on the QBN?
Rocky: I wish it were available when I started. The only way I
learned was by trial and error and the occasional seminar. Now such
things like QBN provide a wealth of knowledge to keep you up to date.

IBAC has awarded many Crystal Awards over the years. Your 3 most
admired Crystal Award Winners are?

Rocky: Aaaaah that’s not a fair question. The Crystal is
awarded for a person’s accomplishment in the balloon industry. I
believe each person is equal in accomplishments although they may be in
different fields. Its not that one is better then the other. They all
provided something to make this industry what it is today.

You’re most disappointing or sad moment in the balloon
Rocky: I’d have to say all the unfounded and bias attacks
we got from the press and uneducated environmentalists during the
80’s against balloon releases. The black eye we received never
really healed.

The best way of marketing a balloon business?
Rocky: That will depend on your market. It’s different
for someone who is just in the decorating end as compared to a full
service company that provides decorating, deliveries and has a retail
store. Because we were always a full service company the best we found
was our fliers and our yellow page ad. But nothing beats word of mouth and
that comes with a good reputation in customer service.

The most common mistake made by new people to the business.
Rocky: Not having an accountant! Most business fail not
because of their lack of creativity or ambition, but because they do not
have the expertise to run the business of a business. Find a good
accountant or at the least a good bookkeeper and work as close as possible
with them to make your business profitable.

Who do you believe are leading the industry at present in balloon
Rocky: That field is so open! Every year at IBAC proves that!
The sculptures that delegates come up each year are mind blowing. The
techniques that evolve from that competition feed the industry with
creativity and they come from all over the world.

Leading educators?
Rocky: To name a few would not be fair to all those I do not
know about. But it is my belief the best educators are your peers; they
are the ones who have the answers to running a successful business. Where
better to learn then from those who are successful at what you want to do.
Go to events and meet your peers, there is an incredible wealth of
knowledge there.

Your view on the merging of so many major suppliers over the past 2-3
Rocky: We all seem to forget sometimes that the reason we are
in business is to make money. From GM right down to the small balloon
business we make day-to-day decisions that will hopefully increase our
bottom line. I believe a merger is a technique draw on with that in

Which segment of the decorating market offers the best opportunities
over the next 3 years?

Rocky: I don’t think there is any one market out there that
will emerge to dominate our industry. The key is to go after as many
markets as there are opening the field for opportunity and growth in your

A comment on the talent emerging from Asian countries?
Rocky: I’ve seen some fantastic work coming out of Asia.
They have created some fantastic techniques that we can all learn from.
But, then again there are some equally great things coming out of

B@W: Us Aussies, who have got to know you from your visits Down
Under, know how much you love Australia as a vacation destination. Any
chance we’ll be seeing more of Rocky Toomey?
Rocky: That’s for sure! I have a lot of good friends Down
Under that I need to visit real soon.

B@W: You’re close working relationship and business
association with Pioneer Balloon Co, the people at Conwin Carbonics and
others? Anything you’d like to say about those companies and the people
behind them?
Rocky: Its no secret, my dedication lies with those
manufactures and distributors who support the growth of our industry.
There are many, from big to small and I hope they benefit from their

B@W: What’s new for IBAC in 2002 and a comment on your fellow
producers and the IBAC team ?
Rocky: This years IBAC is going to have an all new twist.
“Mission IBAC” is the theme and all delegates are “Agents
in Training”. Its going to have a secret agent, Bond, Mission
Impossible identity. We are going to try to carry the theme throughout
the convention with the exception of the Thursday night party. Our
mission, “should we choose to accept it”, takes place at the
International Balloon Arts Museum? You walk into the museum, the Hyatt
Hotel, and see a large helium sculpture in the lobby. This will be the
first time we have built a “helium” sculpture in the lobby and
of course any delegate who wants to come in early can give me a hand.

Thursday night is our comedy night and everyone looks forward to this one.
Balloon Bounty on Pleasure Island is the theme and we all dress up as
pirates. This is going to be a blast! Our decorators this year are
Birgit and Mark Osborne from Dorsten, Germany and they have some great
decorating ideas.
Of course the education line up is second to none. Registration Kits are
coming out soon and I think your readers will be surprised at all there is
to offer this year.

For the final night event delegates will be going to a formal event in our
International Balloon Arts Museum. The room will be decorated to look
like gallery of fine balloon art. This is going to be a great event. By
the way, I will be looking for balloon artists with expertise decorating
with 260Q’s. I’ve got a great idea for décor and I will
need their help. It’s going to be a great event.

B@W: Looking ahead, what will you miss most, now that Ballooney
Tunes in the hands of another?
Rocky: Well its hard to let go of a business you built from the
ground up for 21 years and believe me, this decision did not come lightly
however, I am very excited and confident that the future with all
it’s new adventures will be incredible. I will miss my friends here
and the beautiful islands of Hawaii although with plans to visit the
islands from time to time for vacations, when I do come back, I will
really have the time to enjoy both the islands and my friends.

B@W: It’s good to talk to someone who has achieved success
in the balloon business. Any final comments?
Rocky: Yes, one
more thing. The tragedy of Sept. 11th was a real heartbreak for America
and the world, but as we have in the past we will come out of this. I
know this event has created a lot of uncertainty in all our businesses and
that is understandable. Our President has asked for the American people to
go about our business and I really believe that is what we all have to do.
For a while we will have to work a bit harder to get business from our
regular customers but this creates an opportunity to get out there and
find new ones.

Thanks Don, for this interview. It was fun. I hope to see you at
Proprietary Limited – Sydney, Australia
The “BalloonPro Depot” supplying Australian, N.Z. and Sth
East Asian balloon professionals with:-


Is your current wholesale supplier STRICTLY WHOLESALE only? (we won’t
sell direct to your customers)
Do they allow you to purchase by using a convenient (loyalty program)
credit card facility?
Do they offer inflated list prices with negotiated discounts? Or
one LOW list price for all trade customers?
Does your supplier offer a “10% on line order discount” for
clear (no clarification required) orders?
Can you order at any hour of the day …. 7 days a week?

If your balloon business in located in the “Australasian
Marketplace”, maybe you should contact us?
Web: E-mail:
[email protected] Telephone: 61-2-98981544