Balloon twisting instruction featuring Larry Moss


A one day balloon twisting seminar will be offered on Long Island, NY in
just a few weeks. Classes will include beginning and advanced balloon
twisting, entertaining with balloons, and balloon weaving.

  • When: November 12. Instruction noon to 4:00 pm; question/answer
    period 4-4:30; open jam at a nearby restaurant after that for as long as
    anyone cares to stick around.
  • Where: East Meadow, NY at St. Rafael’s Parrish on Newbridge
    Rd. (a.k.a. Route 106)
  • Instructors: Larry Moss and Jimmy Leo
  • Cost: $30
  • To register or receive more information: contact Jimmy Leo (516)822-1834

Class details

The Pied Piper Squeaks – Balloon busking and entertaining

To a true airigamist, twisting balloons is only half the fun. Drawing a
crowd to enjoy them is the other half. Larry teaches the techniques that
has made him a success as a street and stage performer. Learn how to draw
a crowd and keep them entertained. This goes beyond handing out balloon
animals to people in a line, but touches on all aspects of entertaining
with balloons.

World class airigami

Once you know the basics of twisting balloons, it’s time to look at some
unique ideas waiting to be built upon by others. This class looks at a
number of creations from balloon artists around the world and explores some
possible variations and unusual uses for them.

Balloon fabric creation

Also known as balloon weaving, balloon fabric creation provides a
way to create enormous sculptures using non-round balloon without the use
of supporting framework. Hundreds, or even thousands of balloons can be
combined to form elaborate and memorable decor. Using these techniques,
you can create portraits of people, themed sculptures, and anything else
your imagination can conceive.

Instructor bios

Larry Moss

A performer all his life, Larry discovered in 1985 that his magic shows
could be greatly enhanced with the use of balloons. He never tires of
creating new approaches to making balloon twisting interesting, funny,
educational and, at times, even suspenseful. Larry has performed in venues
including street corners, restaurants, classrooms, stages, rock concerts,
and television. Publications include Twisting History – Lessons in
Balloon Sculpting
– a book on balloon twisting, and a regular column in
The Magic Menu – a magazine for restaurant magicians. Over the last
few years, Larry has been the lead maintainer of Balloon HQ – the largest public balloon
resource on the World Wide Web.

Jimmy Leo

Based on Long Island, Jimmy Leo has worked for such clients as the
Islanders professional Hockey Association, Steinway Pianos, been
interviewed on Channel 12 news, appeared on the Today Show and has worked
for many charities including the United Cerebral Palsy Foundation to the
Foundation for Children with AIDS. Jimmy has entertained thousands at
various festivals, restaurants, and schools, as well as being one of the
few selected to entertain at South Street Seaport in 1998. Twisting for
four years, jimmy pioneers whats becoming known as speed twisting, and
competed at the 1998 International Balloon Arts Convention in Chicago.
Currently jimmy is penning a book on the art of balloon twisting/related
areas. He is also one of a select few individuals who uses 260Q balloons
in large scale balloon decor, as will be seen in the near future in the
photo section of balloon HQ as well as shown in various pictures at this

The original announcement of this seminar, as posted to the balloon
twisting mailing list on Balloon HQ, follows.

ok folks, gonna let you in on a little surprise. Since I caught
everyone’s attention not too far back, and I’m hoping I haven’t totally lost
your attention, I have an announcement. On November 12th, Long Island New
York will be holding a balloon twister’s workshop put on by myself, and
featuring a guest speaker. If you’re on this list you should recognize the
name; Larry Moss! That’s right one of THE most well known balloon artists in
our industry, one of the captains at the helm of Balloon HQ, a man who
llectures and TEACHES across the country, whether it’s the international
balloon arts convention in Chicago last year or Texas jam with T Myers, he’s
lecturing teaching, writing, jamming, and leaving his mark on the balloon

The event will be taking place on November 12th in east Meadow (long
island) New York. We will be taking the first 40 people, if demand is strong
it will be upped to 50. We’re keeping this venue small considering that it’s
the first of it’s kind here on long island and we’re aren’t sure what kind of
response to anticipate. Should the response be huge, consideration will begin
to take place on finding a larger arena to accomodate everyone who desires to
attend. the workshop will be 4 hours long. consisting of classes on balloon
basics and intermediate level, Entertaining with Balloons, Balloon weaving,
Advanced Ideas class, single versus multi balloons – when, where, how, and
WHY. An additional class or two might be added in based on attendance, as
well as what YOU desire to learn! This is, after all, an interactive
workshop. Once again it will take place on November 12th (thursday) between
the hours of 12 and 4 p.m. 4-4:15, Larry will field questions, between 4-5
there will be an hour long break and at 5 p.m. we converge upon a nearby
restaurant to practice what has been learned – a.k.a. our own TWISTER’S
JAM!!!! Look forward to seeing as many of you there as possible. please e
mail me with your name, and telephone # (include area code) immediately so I
can get some kind of head count for the event. or call me at (516)822-1834,
stressing that you are calling in reference to the workshop. Again, I cannot
stress enough that this will be an all day event. 3 day work shops cost as
much as $300 dollars, not to mention the money that has to get paid seperately
for food and lodging during that time. This is a one time offer! A one day,
intensified learning experience being taught in small part by myself and
featuring Larry Moss doing much of the classes. Our event? 12-4 class. 4-4:15
fielding questions, 5-7 (possibly longer) twister’s JAM! The fee – only $30.
remember, I MUST here from you immediately to reserve your spot! E mail me
personally or call me personally to do so. Thanks and look forward to SEEING
YOU THERE!!!!! :o)

Jimmy Leo – Cloud 9 Balloons
Hicksville, N.Y.