Letts Celebrate

Letts Celebrate

Letts Celebrate, nestled in the heart of Greater Gaston County and extending its services to surrounding areas, is a balloon decorating enterprise spearheaded by the creative Caroline Letts. Transitioning from a career in commercial finance to embrace the joy of...

Don Dixon – “Balloons At Work”

BALLOONS@WORK This On Line Publication Contains No Paid Advertising. In this issue:- * EDITORIAL – Business Has Changed! (Can you weather the storm?) * DID YOU KNOW – New Products, Upcoming Seminars, Trade Trivia. * Bombshell Announcement From Rocky Toomey...

Wrapped Around the Axle

Wrapped Around the Axle Race Order Entry # Driver Name Car Name Mass (grams) Length (inches) Width (inches) Height (inches) Distance Traveled (feet) Running Time (seconds) Awards 19 11 Chris Stell/Gene Wester Wrapped Around the Axle 433 33 5.25 5.25 70.75 8.34...

Balloon Terms

The following material has been saved from posts on the mailing lists. Rather than keeping it hidden away, it has been temporarily placed here until the guide editors get a chance to move it to its proper location in this chapter. Feel free to make use of it. GIANT...