From [email protected]  Sat Sep  9 13:13:51 1995
	id AA10754; Sat, 9 Sep 95 13:10:13 EDT
Date: Sat, 9 Sep 1995 13:10:06 -0400
From: [email protected]
Message-Id: <[email protected]>
To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: rattlesnake tails

Regarding multiple twists, Bingo and Buster in the book, Balloonimals Two,
make a catterpillar by putting a string of small bubbles inside the balloon.
 Then they break the outside balloon to make the catterpillar or butterfly
body.  They add some wings for a butterfly.  I have not made this though.
In Texas Style Balloons, Bobby Cordell makes a rattlesnake tail by making a
long, soft (squeeze some air out) hook twist (very long apple twist).  Then
since it is soft he twists it into 4 or so individual bubbles.   I haven't
made this one but I have twisted a bubble or a small nose on a hook twist to
make a hound dog (after Ralph Dewey).